I have been fortunate to be on course staff for four separate courses, all offered by the EECS department at UC Berkeley. These were:
- EE 226A (Random Processes in Systems).
- The course is a graduate course in probability and stochastic processes, teaching the fundamentals of measure-theoretic probability, stochastic state-space models, Markov processes, martingales, and other stochastic processes.
- I was the sole TA in Fall 2024.
- EE 127 (Optimization Models In Engineering).
- The course is a first course in optimization theory and practice, teaching the fundamentals of convexity, unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization, duality, linear and quadratic programming, and various applications.
- I was a Discussion TA in Fall 2020 and the Head Content TA in Fall 2022, Spring 2023, and Spring 2024.
- EE 16B (Designing Information Systems and Devices II).
- The course is a second course in linear algebra for engineers and a survey course for many sub-fields of electrical engineering, such as circuits, device physics, control theory, signal processing, and data analysis.
- I was a Content TA in Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 and a Head Content TA in Spring 2022.
- CS 170 (Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems).
- The course is a first course in algorithm theory, teaching fundamental algorithmic ideas such as divide-and-conquer, graphs, trees, and dynamic programming, as well as more advanced ideas such as network flows and approximations to NP-hard problems.
- I was a Reader in Spring 2020.
In the course of the above appointments, I earned the following awards:
- In 2022, I was given the UC Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (~60 recipients/year).
- In 2023, I was given the UC Berkeley EECS Department Outstanding TA Award (~5 recipients/year).
As a Reader, my responsibilities included:
- Grading homework and exams.
As a Discussion TA, my responsibilities included all of the above, plus:
- Teaching either one or two discussion sections each week.
- Teaching review sessions at least twice a semester in preparation for exams.
- Running two or more open office hours a week.
As a Content TA, my responsibilities included all of the above, plus:
- Composing homeworks and discussion worksheets each week, as well as the solutions.
- Composing a midterm and final exam.
As a Head Content TA, my responsibilities included all of the above, plus:
- Leading large-scale initiatives, such as design of a course project, or thorough and detailed lecture notes. (Example course notes for EE 127.)
- Managing a team of Graduate Student Content TAs.
- Handling administrative work (e.g., website administration) and logistics when and where required.